Senior Practice Manager
Practice Manager
Assistant Practice Manager
Described as “a star” by a client, Rachel Carver is building a broad commercial chancery practice across the full spectrum of Chambers’ practice areas. Her interests include trusts, probate and estates litigation, company law and commercial dispute resolution.
Clients comment that Rachel is “[s]uch a help and a pleasure to have in the team”. She is also comfortable acting as sole counsel and welcomes instructions in any of her areas of expertise.
Rachel has particular experience in offshore trust matters and has spent five months on secondment in Jersey, during which she worked on several complex, multimillion-pound trust cases.
Rachel graduated with a First-Class degree in History from the University of Oxford and achieved Distinctions in the GDL and BVS. She was awarded scholarships by her Oxford college and Gray’s Inn, as well as winning a number of academic prizes.
Prior to coming to the Bar, Rachel worked as a professional harpist. She has performed at most of the country’s major concert venues, as well as making appearances as a soloist and in orchestras on BBC TV and classical music radio stations.
As a pupil, Rachel provided assistance during the two-week trial of NAS Air Company v Genesis Ireland Aviation Trading 3 Limited [2022] EWHC 176 (Comm), a case concerning repairing obligations under an aircraft lease.
During pupillage, Rachel gained experience of a number of financial services matters including:
As a tenant, Rachel was part of the team working on a major bribery and fraud case worth around $1.5 billion.
As a pupil, Rachel gained experience of claims for breach of fiduciary duties, knowing receipt and conspiracy.
Rachel’s recent experience has included a number of cases involving contractual disputes.
During pupillage, Rachel gained a wide experience of commercial litigation, including:
Rachel’s experience includes:
Rachel also won the Sweet & Maxwell Prize for the highest exam mark in the Company Law elective on her Bar course.
During pupillage, Rachel gained insolvency experience through an application for the extension of an administration.
Rachel spent five months in working in the Insolvency and Dispute Resolution team at Walkers (Jersey). As a tenant, she has also assisted with disputes in jurisdictions such as Guernsey and cases involving international law elements.
As a pupil, Rachel worked on an unfair prejudice petition in Jersey and helped in a judicial review case in Guernsey.
During pupillage, Rachel gained experience of mediation in the context of a probate dispute and a multi-jurisdictional judgment debt enforcement claim.
Rachel has a broad experience of trusts, probate and estates litigation, with recent work including:
During pupillage, Rachel’s experience included: