Deputy Head of Clerking
Practice Manager
Assistant Practice Manager
John Carl Townsend has been described in the major legal directories (Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners), as “extraordinarily knowledgeable on the crossover of commercial and criminal fraud practice”, “hard-working, technically brilliant”, and as having a “great ability to think outside of the box in difficult cases”.
He is recognised for his particular expertise in complex financial and reputational disputes where there is the potential for civil, regulatory and criminal liability and is frequently instructed for his ability to advise and represent corporate clients in all three forums.
His practice encompasses a variety of commercial chancery disputes, with a particular focus on claims that derive from allegations of financial misconduct and misrepresentation (including claims for breach of fiduciary duty, unlawful means conspiracy, deceit, dishonest assistance and knowing receipt). John Carl’s practice in asset forfeiture and seizure includes applications for international freezing orders, search orders and applications for Norwich Pharmacal and Bankers Trust relief in civil fraud claims and all proceedings connected to the freezing and forfeiture of assets under the provisions of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (including High Court Asset Forfeiture under Part 5 and Tax Proceedings under Part 6). He is described by the Legal 500 as having “superb technical knowledge of all POCA related issues and litigation” and as “an outstandingly clever lawyer”. His practice in this area frequently includes the representation of corporates claiming proprietary rights over funds that have been seized under POCA’s civil freezing and forfeiture regime.
John Carl also has extensive experience of appearing in the criminal courts for companies and directors in high value, cross-border, financial investigations relating to allegations of fraud, bribery and corruption, and money laundering, that have been initiated by the SFO and the FCA. He is ranked in this area by both major directories and is described by Chambers & Partners as having “extensive knowledge, expertise and personality” and a barrister who “is regularly called upon to provide insight into a range of different financial crime matters, especially those that involve commercial aspects”.
He has acted for clients in judicial review proceedings, for government agencies and for companies and individuals exposed to allegations of regulatory breach (including FCA regulated corporates and individuals in the financial services industry, corporates regulated by the HSE, law firms dealing with AML compliance, investigations and enforcement by the CMA and sports regulators). His sanctions practice includes international law firms and large corporate entities facing cross-border compliance issues where there is an intersection of European, UK and US sanctions regimes (particularly in respect of Russia).
John Carl has extensive experience of acting for Claimant and Defendant companies and individuals in disputes where fraud and serious financial misconduct are alleged. He has expertise in the full range of applicable interim relief (including the Norwich Pharmacal jurisdiction, search orders and freezing and proprietary injunctions) and has advised clients on the regulatory and criminal liability that can arise from underlying allegations of fraud.
Work in this area includes:
Representative cases include:
Representative cases include:
Corporate Crime
Financial Crime
FCA v Symmetric Systems, Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chambers) [2023] Representing Symmetric Systems in its reference disputing an FCA supervisory notice.
X [2022] Advising an FCA regulated trader in respect of the potential consequences of his alleged involvement in a fraud against the government.
Secretary of State v AS [2022] Acting for a company engaged in the provision of a financial product in an investigation conducted by the Secretary of State for Business and Industry under the provisions of the Companies Act 1985. The Secretary of State suspected that the financial product was being sold on a basis that was misleading and without relevant regulatory authority. The investigation was, however, concluded in favour of AS.
Ogilvy v HSBC, Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, Business List (ChD) [2021] Acting for HSBC in a claim brought by a customer following the suspension of his banking facility.
FCA v Gopee & Others [2019] Representing the former director of Pangolian Properties in respect of multiple claims for the release of funds from restrained assets following claims that relied on breaches of s.19(1) and 23(1) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.
DT v Metro Bank PLC [2017] Representing a well-known sports star in a dispute regarding whether Metro Bank had breached the obligations of s.138D of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 in obtaining various personal guarantees.
Proceeds of Crime (POCA) and asset forfeiture
‘John is unmatched with regards his knowledge of POCA.’
Legal 500 2025
‘John Townsend offers a wealth of experience of advising in criminal and civil disputes and acts on behalf of both claimants and defendants. He is noted for his strong expertise when it comes to serious financial investigations and money laundering, and he demonstrates proficiency in confiscation orders, civil recovery proceedings and asset forfeiture orders.’
Chambers and Partners 2024
‘Superb technical knowledge of all POCA related issues and litigation. Nothing is too much trouble for him – a great work ethic and an outstandingly clever lawyer.’
Legal 500 2024
Financial Crime: Corporates
‘John Townsend is a well-respected junior with extensive knowledge, expertise and personability. He is regularly called upon to provide insight into a range of different financial crime matters, especially those that involve commercial aspects.’
Chambers and Partners 2024
Business and Regulatory Crime (including global investigations)
‘John has a superior intelligence unmatched by his peers. John can be relied upon for his sound strategic approach to the most complex business crime cases. John has a breadth of experience that is intimidating for any opponent. At the top of his game and a silk in the making. John is the creme da la creme of business crime advocates.’
Legal 500 2025
‘A rare breed of barrister who understands financial crime as well as complex commercial litigation issues. His written work is beyond reproach and his advocacy is strong, forceful and on point. A brilliant tactician.’
Legal 500 2024