XXIV Old Buildings - Leading Commercial / Chancery Barristers
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Andrew Holden is a chancery and commercial specialist, whose highly-regarded practice encompasses trusts, fraud and asset tracing, probate and estate administration, and commercial litigation and arbitration.

Chambers & Partners recommends Andrew as top-ranked (band 1) practitioner in his fields of expertise, with recent editions praising him as “one of the best of his generation“: a “great strategic thinker“, “incredibly tenacious and creative”, an “accomplished advocate”, and “a master of highly technical areas of law.”

Andrew is lauded both as “a clear draftsman who produces well-reasoned opinions” and as a highly effective courtroom advocate, with clients praising him as a “wonderful junior who is very good on his feet.” His focus on the client’s commercial outcomes is also the subject of consistent praise in the directories: he is “very responsive”; “a hit with clients”; “really user-friendly”; “very approachable, accessible and practical“… a “very commercial” barrister who “puts his legal knowledge into practice in a fantastic way.” Andrew is similarly recommended in the latest editions of Chambers GlobalChambers High Net WorthLegal 500, Citywealth, and Who’s Who Legal.

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In the United Kingdom, Andrew enjoys a busy and broad-based commercial and chancery practice. He is well known for his trusts, probate and estates work, with Chambers and Partners praising him as “a sought-after junior for his broader traditional chancery expertise“. Andrew is also a sought-after practitioner in relation to complex fraud, asset-tracing and commercial and company/shareholder disputes, particularly where they engage principles of equity.

Andrew also has an extensive international practice. He has deep international trusts expertise, including acting for the settlors, trustees, beneficiaries and protectors of private trusts, as well as for the institutional custodians, directors and professional advisers of trusts, funds and companies. Client feedback in Chambers and Partners is that he is an “outstanding trusts specialist“, with one client saying that “there is nothing in the trusts world that he is not familiar with.” Andrew also enjoys a highly-regarded practice in the field of international commercial litigation and arbitration, including international fraud and asset-tracing and connected matters engaging principles of international jurisdiction and enforcement. His briefs in this area demonstrate that he is well equipped to navigate clients through the legal and factual complexities inherent in high value international litigation and arbitration.

Andrew is the author of Trust Protectors, the first specialist practitioners’ text on the subject of protectors, and writes and publishes regularly in his fields of expertise. He is an Academician of The International Academy of Estate and Trust Law (TIAETL), a full member of The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), and the draughtsman of several pieces of international trust legislation, including the Trustee Amendment Act 2014 and the Trusts (Special Provisions) Amendment Act 2020 of Bermuda.

The following is a selection of Andrew’s recent reported cases:

  • Hamersmith-Stewart v Cromwell Trust Company Ltd (2022): Acting for Plaintiff in major trust litigation, including important judgment on privacy of trust proceedings. Led by Eason Rajah KC.
  • Volpi v Volpi [2022] EWCA Civ 464: Successfully resisting an appeal on issues of fact. Unled.
  • Richards v Kulczyk [2022] EWHC 863 (Ch): Acting for the defendant trustee in proceedings claiming c.£7 million under an alleged oral contract and/or in restitution. Unled.
  • Re Piedmont & Riviera Trusts [2015] JRC 196; [2016] JRC 016; [2018] JRC 210; [2021] JRC 248 (Jersey): Acted for the applicant beneficiary in this groundbreaking multi-year trust litigation in Jersey, involving (i) setting aside appointments of fiduciaries for irrationality; (ii) setting aside deeds of revocation for undue influence; (iii) the proper role of a protector in consenting to/vetoing a trustee’s decision; and (iv) fiduciary costs in trust proceedings. Assisting Advocate Robertson.
  • AB v Line Trust Corporation Ltd [2022] GSC 002 (Gibraltar): Appeared for the trustees of a nine-figure trust structure. The litigation gave rise to important judgments concerning the privacy of trust proceedings. Unled.
  • Dawson-Damer v Grampian Trust Company Ltd (ongoing); Dawson-Damer v Lyndhurst Ltd [2019] SC (Bda) 8 Civ; (2022)  (Bahamas, Bermuda): Acted for the Plaintiff/Claimant in an action in the Bahamas to set aside distributions from a nine-figure trust structure. Led by Richard Wilson KC.
  • Re X Trusts  [2018] SC (Bda) 56 Civ (Bermuda): Acted for a group of beneficiaries in respect of a novel application in Bermuda to remove the directors of Private Trust Companies from office. The matter involved a breakdown in relations concerning a trust structure worth in the region of £5 billion and gave rise to an important judgment concerning the breadth of the court’s supervisory jurisdiction. Led by David Brownbill KC.

A further selection of cases of note can be viewed by clicking on the link to each practice area.


  • Perrucci v Orlean Invest Limited [2022] EWHC 2038 (Comm): Commercial dispute including successful defence of strike out/summary judgment application in commercial. Unled.
  • LCIA Arbitration (2021-2022): Commercial arbitration concerning alleged breaches of $150 million of loan notes. Led by Michael Black KC.
  • Volpi v Volpi [2021] EWHC 2143 (Ch): Acting for claimant on successful trial to recover a CHF 6 million loan. Unled.
  • Volpi v Delanson Services Ltd, 2020/APP/sts/00013 (Bahamas): Challenge and appeal against arbitral award on grounds of serious procedural irregularity and error of law. Led by Michael Black KC.
  • UNCITRAL Arbitration (2019-2021): Acted for settlor in a very high value trust arbitration concerning a dispute the distribution of the whole of a trust fund to the settlor. Led by Elspeth Talbot Rice KC.
  • Akhmedova v Akhmedov [2018] DIFC CFI 011; [2018] DIFC CA 003; [2018] EWFC 23 (Fam); [2018] 3 FCR 135: A major asset tracing exercise arising out of the largest divorce award ever granted by the English High Court. The claim involved in particular steps to enforce that award against MV ‘Luna’, a superyacht valued at in excess of $450 million. Led by Michael Black KC (in the DIFC) and Dakis Hagen KC (in England).
  • Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority v Bestfort Development LLP [2015] EWHC 3197 (Ch); [2016] 2 CLC 714 (CA); [2018] 3 WLR 1099 (CA): Acted for one of the United Arab Emirates in claims arising out of an alleged multi-million dollar fraud in the Republic of Georgia. The matter gave rise to important judgments in the Court of Appeal concerning the availability of security for costs and the proper test for the making of freezing injunctions. Led by Stephen Moverley Smith KC and Richard Millett KC.
  • Re A & B Trusts [2022] JRC 086 (Jersey): Acted for protector of very high value trust structure defending an unsuccessful removal action. Assisted Advocate Speck.
  • YM v NM [2020] EWFC 13: Proceedings to set aside a Consent Order in matrimonial proceedings involving complex structure on the grounds of duress. Led by Jonathan Southgate KC. Andrew also appeared unled for H in successfully opposing an application by W for a freezing injunction.
  • Re Klein Family Settlement (2018) (Gibraltar): First rectification application in Gibraltar. Unled.
  • Line Trust Corporation Ltd v W (2017) (Gibraltar): Acted for the trustee of a Gibraltar trust structure in relation to hostile matrimonial finance proceedings in the UK. Trustee successfully resisted a jurisdictional challenge by W. Led by Elspeth Talbot Rice KC.
  • Henchley v Thompson [2017] EWHC 225 (Ch); [2017] WTLR 1289: Acted for one of the UK’s most successful entrepreneurs in respect of a dispute over the administration of a family trust structure. Important judgment relating to trustee’s duty to account. Led by Elspeth Talbot Rice KC.
  • Macmillan Cancer Support v Hayes [2017] EWHC 3110 (Ch); [2018] WTLR 243: Successfully obtained full relief from forfeiture for the beneficiaries of a man who had unlawfully killed his wife as a ‘mercy killing’. Unled.
  • Re K Trust [2016] WTLR 1225 (Guernsey): First successful application in Guernsey for the removal of a protector from office. Assisted Advocate Wessels.
  • IFG International Ltd v French [2013] WTLR 251 (Isle of Man): Acted for the former protector of a series of Isle of Man trusts established by billionaire Wyly brothers. Andrew’s client sought an indemnity from trust assets in respect of his defence of New York proceedings brought by the SEC alleging, inter alia, that the trusts were shams established as a vehicle for securities fraud. The High Court of the Isle of Man provided valuable new guidance on the role of the trust protector, and in particular on the circumstances in which a protector will be entitled to an indemnity out of trust assets. Assisting Advocate Wild.
  • Schomberg v Taylor [2013] EWHC 2269 (Ch); [2013] WTLR 1413: Undue influence claim. Unled.
  • Fischer v Diffley [2013] EWHC 4567 (Ch): Acted for a well-known charitable residuary legatee of a substantial estate. The charity defended a challenge to the validity of the deceased’s will based on lack of testamentary capacity and want of knowledge and approval. Unled.
  • Re A Trust [2012] JRC 169A (Jersey): Landmark action in Jersey to remove a protector from office. For the first time in any reported case, the Royal Court of Jersey confirmed that the jurisdiction to remove a protector is analogous with the jurisdiction to remove a trustee and operates on the same principles. Assisted Advocate Robertson.
  • D v M & M & M Limited (2011) (Isle of Man)Acted for the English trustee of a complex, multi-jurisdictional trust and corporate structure, which became embroiled in divorce litigation in the Isle of Man. Also acted on successful Beddoe applications before the English High Court.

Chancery: Traditional 

Chambers and Partners

‘Andrew Holden is noted for his skilful handling of a wide variety of matters, including complex trusts, disputed wills and estates work. He attracts instructions in both UK-based and offshore cases, and is particularly well known for his handling of matters concerning protectors.’ ‘An exceedingly clever man, who is very effective and very commercially sensible!’ ‘He’s so intelligent and just so good at explaining things to clients. His written work is incredible.’ (2025)

‘Andrew is very knowledgeable and is easy to work with He delivers.” “A fine advocate with strong legal and advocacy skills.” “He turns work around very quickly and has a great work product.” “He does a good and very sensible job for his clients.’ (2023) 

Legal 500

‘Andrew is an absolute go-to counsel for trust matters. He has encyclopedic trust knowledge in several jurisdictions and provides his counsel and advice pragmatically and commercially. He is very responsive and a great person to have on your side.’ ‘Andrew is absolutely brilliant. A wonderful mix of being super intelligent, commercial and a great strategist. He is great to have on your team and solicitors trust his judgement on matters. His written work is first-rate.’ (2023)


Chambers and Partners

“Andrew Holden appears in a wide variety of both domestic and international trusts matters, acting both as a litigator and in an advisory capacity. He is an expert in trust structuring and trust protectors. Holden is particularly adept at handling large offshore disputes and often acts in high profile, multibillion-dollar disputes in key jurisdictions.’ ‘A go-to for complex trusts disputes, who gives concise advice and is very commercial. He is someone who is so modest at the same time.’ ‘Andrew is a tremendous resource and someone who is very knowledgeable and thoughtful.’ (2025)

Offshore – All circuits

Chambers and Partners

‘At his level he is without question the go-to on complex trust and probate disputes whether onshore of offshore. He gives concise advice and is very commercial ad so modest.’ ‘Andrew is out go-to trust counsel and supplies practical, academically sound yet often out-of-the-box advice which is always appreciated.’ ‘Andrew is very knowledgeable and thoughtful. I always fin him to be a tremendous resource.’ ‘He is a very experienced offshore practitioner. He gets things done. He has so much experience it’s reassuring to clients. He predicts what is going to happen and is easy to get on with.’ (2025)

Chancery: Commercial 

Chambers and partners

‘He’s a real fighter, who is always bubbling with enthusiasm. He really pursues the objective of the client and understands what points to take and what not to take.’ ‘He is very clever and encyclopaedic in his knowledge of trusts.” “Andrew is so thorough and on the ball. He provides great insights into the case and really brings a breath of fresh air in terms of enthusiasm.’ (2025)

+44 (0)20 7691 2424
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  • Trust Protectors (2011, Jordans)
  • Probate Disputes and Remedies (2014, Jordans, third edition) – contributor
  • Atkins Court Forms – Company Insolvency (2015, LexisNexis) – editor
  • A trustee by any other name: who is a ‘trustee’ for limitation purposes? [2014] 5 JIBFL 334 (with Elspeth Talbot Rice QC)
  • Freezing orders and company assets: the net widens: Corporate Rescue & Insolvency, October 2014 p.181 (with Stephen Moverley Smith QC)
  • Letters of wishes and the ongoing role of the settlor (2014) 20(7) Trusts & Trustees 712 (with Stephen Moverley Smith QC)
  • The arbitration of trust disputes: theoretical problems and practical possibilities (2015) 21(5) Trusts & Trustees 546
  • The trust supervisory jurisdiction: how broad is it really? How far can it be stretched? (2019) 25(5) Trusts & Trustees 523 (with Elspeth Talbot Rice QC)
  • Blessing applications: a new interventionism? (2024) 30(5) Trusts & Trustees 248
  • BA (Hons.), Oxon., Philosophy and Theology – 1st Class (top of year)
  • M.St. (Research), Oxon.
  • CPE, City University – Commendation
  • BVC, Inns of Court School of Law – Outstanding
  • TEP, Qualified Practitioners’ Route, Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners
  • Chancery Bar Association
  • Full Member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners
  • Academician of The International Academy of Estate and Trust Law
  • Elfan Rees Scholarship, Mansfield College, Oxon.
  • Gibb’s Prize in Philosophy and Theology, Oxon.
  • Rebecca Flowers Scholarship in Theology, Oxon.
  • EU Essay Prize, City University
  • Duke of Edinburgh Scholarship, Inner Temple
  • Major Scholarship, Inner Temple

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